VSCode(配合GitHub Copilot),Cursor,和WindSurf是三种常见的AI辅助的代码编辑软件。它们的界面风格和功能(特指AI功能)大同小异,使用体验上也有很多相似之处。本人已处在选择困难状态长达半年之久,故对这三种软件的界面风格和功能进行了对比及打分。最终,Cursor以微弱优势胜出。
VSCode (with GitHub Copilot), Cursor, and WindSurf are three common AI-assisted code editing software. They share similar interface styles and features (specifically AI features), with comparable user experiences. Having been in a state of decision paralysis for half a year, I've compared and rated these three software's interface styles and features. In the end, Cursor emerged victorious by a narrow margin.