There is a bug in the MDAnalysis linear density module:when calculating the linear density of a uniformly simulated box of water molecules using LAMMPS, the result includes some sharp upward spikes.
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在coursera上试听了《IBM Data Science Professional Certificate》这一系列,一共有10门数据处理课。
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MDAnalysis包是一个用于分析MD的数据结果的python包,其内有丰富的分析工具,包括分析氢键的自相关函数(Hydrogen bond autocorelation function,hbacf)。但是其只支持分析连续的氢键自相关函数(continuous hbacf),不支持分析间断的(intermittent hbacf)。而其内部支持的intermittency参数也不完全符合间断的hbacf的定义。所以,我打算手动修改源代码。
The MDAnalysis package is a Python package for analyzing molecular dynamics (MD) data results, equipped with a rich set of analysis tools, including a function for analyzing Hydrogen bond autocorrelation function (hbacf). However, it only supports the analysis of continuous hbacf and not intermittent hbacf. The intermittency parameter included does not fully comply with the definition of intermittent hbacf either. Therefore, I plan to manually modify the source code.
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Gromacs is an open-source software developed in C++. If you are dissatisfied with a particular feature of Gromacs, you can directly modify its source code, then compile and install it.
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组里的人要分析一个系统的氢键数量和氢键自相关函数(Hbond autocorrelation function,hbacf)。
A colleague in our group is tasked with analyzing the number of hydrogen bonds and the hydrogen bond autocorrelation function (hbacf) in a system.
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Johns Hopkins University provides data files on confirmed cases and deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using these files, one can analyze the COVID-19 mortality rates of different countries.
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Here I recommend an AI-powered music creation You can provide some style prompts and lyrics, and it will generate songs based on these. The quality of the generated songs is quite good.
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