聊聊二次元文化的人生观和世界观的问题 - Discussing the Issues of Life Values and Worldviews in Otaku Culture
The character Kyon from "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" famously said, "Anyone who seeks reality in a fabricated story must have something wrong with their head." We should not expect too much from otaku culture, as its purpose is only to entertain, not to develop a mature personality. But if one does nothing but watch anime, his/her thinking will lack diversity.
The character Kyon from "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" famously said, "Anyone who seeks reality in a fabricated story must have something wrong with their head." We should not expect too much from otaku culture, as its purpose is only to entertain, not to develop a mature personality. But if one does nothing but watch anime, his/her thinking will lack diversity.