视频推荐:《陌生人——柴静对话圣战分子》 - Video Recommendation:"Stranger:Talking to Jihadists"
"Stranger: Talking to Jihadists" is a video series consisting of six episodes in total.
This is an incredibly profound series of interviews and conversations with jihadist terrorists. We may perceive them as illogical and immoral, but Chai Jing uses the words of the jihadists themselves to reveal their world. The videos analyze the origins, thoughts, and motivations of jihadists from various angles. One aspect I greatly admire is her ability to find and interview a wide range of terrorists, allowing them to share their stories and logic firsthand, rather than portraying them as thugs through third-party accounts or simply using some theories to explain them.
Chai Jing said, "People think terrorists are madmen, but from my interviews, they are not insane in the psychiatric sense. Their murders are the result of logical reasoning: human law-makers are false gods, religion has become politics, and violence the ultimate expression of devotion. Heaven and hell have become a system of reward and punishment, thus murder and self-destruction have become a utilitarian calculation. Once they're in, their logic becomes completely enclosed." I understand their logic of joining a holy war for redemption due to the fear of hell (though I do not agree with it).
The videos are very well organized, it's clear they have an academic approach, which I really appreciate. Also, Chai Jing manages to ask questions that touch upon my deepest concerns. Whenever there's a doubt about anything, she addresses it. In a word, it's a masterpiece.