如何制作词云 - How to make wordcloud
The image below is a photo of a wordcloud.
Firstly, install the wordcloud package. For Chinese users, install an additional package, jieba.
1 | pip install jieba |
The text for the word cloud above was obtained from this blog post, extracted through web scraping, and then decoded with the BeautifulSoup package. Readers could also read from a text file or directly paste the text into the program.
1 | url = 'https://blog.tennisatw.com/post/26/' |
1 | blog_text = '文本 text' |
For Chinese users, as Chinese vocabulary does not contain spaces in between words, the jieba package is needed for word segmentation. Run the following code.
1 | ls = jieba.lcut(blog_text) |
Below is the complete code:
1 | import requests |