元键政3:与低水平言论缠斗意义不大 - Meta Political Discussion 3:It's insignificant to engage in a battle of words with low-level arguments


Sometimes when I go to websites like Douyin, Kuaishou, Twitter, Sohu News, Baijia, and Hupu (They are all common applications/bbses in China) and search for political terms in Chinese, I am overwhelmed by the prevalent nationalism, hate speech, gender conflict, stereotypes, and unverified gossip and salacious news, often accompanied by vulgar images. It sometimes disheartens me so much that I have a feeling that "Chinese people are really hopeless." The screenshot below is the search result for the "昂撒" (Short for Anglo-Saxons, sometimes with a derogatory connotation) on Hupu, a platform with a large number of extreme nationalists.


However, I shouldn't have any involvement with such remarks or people. I believe —— though I can't say for all —— most popular political self-media content is meticulously crafted. Clearly, their audience doesn't include me. If someone find it unpleasant, they can just swipe away. As for whether "there is hope" for Chinese people, there is a famous saying in "the Analects": The virtue of a gentleman is like the wind; the virtue of a petty person is like grass. When the wind blows over the grass, the grass must bend.


Constant exposure to negative and low-level discourse comes with a major risk: our tendency to mimic. Assume I am a liberal. Suppose Ideliberately select and read detrimental comments from within the 'Great Firewall'. I am likely to adopt a similar offensive language to hit them back. What's more, I'm likely believe that to handle an online 'hooligan', you must be more 'hooligan' than the 'hooligan' itself. However, just as there can be high and low-level patriots, there can be high and low-level liberals too. Engaging in a low-level discourse makes me the low-level liberal as well, degrading the overall political debate, just like the graph below. This was also a mistake I made several years ago.

劣化的政治辩论 - Deteriorated political debate

说了这么多,什么是低水平言论呢?这里我把键政中经常遇到的 我认为的 “低水平言论” 总结为以下几点,依照其“水平”高低和是否容易区分排序。

What exactly are low-level remarks? Here, I summarize the types of "low-level remarks" often encountered in online political discussions, ranking them by their "level" and ease of identification.

1:谩骂与人身攻击 - Insults and Personal Attacks


These are the lowest level remarks and the easiest to spot. Besides providing some "emotional" value to others, they are utterly meaningless.

2:谣言,和未证实的信息 - Rumors and Unverified Information


Various topics are flooded with rumors and unverified information, especially those related to politics. The difficulty of detecting these remarks can vary; it mainly requires a certain level of understanding of the relevant topics. Note that even official statements can be rumors.


The volume of rumors is enormous, and on some platforms, there are more rumors than real news. A big thanks to all the rumor-debunking platforms for their work.

3:阴阳怪气,冷嘲热讽的言论 - Sarcasm and Mockery



This is a milder form of insults, very common on platforms like Zhihu, Weibo, and forums. These remarks are also the easiest to incite readers' emotions.

From this stage onward, these low-level remarks become somewhat "acceptable," and even respectable commentators might occasionally use them. However, this is still not meaningful political discussion and does not need to be taken seriously.

4:简单化和极端化 - Simplification and Extremism


These remarks are quite difficult to identify, especially those with emotional content. The main reason is that readers may not understand the related topics, and the simplest explanations are often the easiest to accept.

5:逻辑谬误 - Logical Fallacies


These remarks are much better than the previous four because at least they involve logic, even if flawed.


Online political discussions are a debate with no winners or losers. Almost no one changes their stance because of others' remarks, and even if you defeat your "opponent," it doesn't mean your position is more correct. When encountering low-level remarks during these discussions, the most dignified response is to ignore them, knowing you have the upper hand.


This also applies outside of online discussions. When encountering low-level remarks, just know who is right and wrong and what you should do. There's no need to argue with them or be influenced by them.