演讲的一些小tips - Some tips for your presentations



There's no need to fear any presentation; the so-called fear is all due to insufficient preparation. Here are some tips to help you prepare more efficiently and effectively for your presentations.

This article is primarily focused on academic presentations in non-native languages.



If possible, write your own speech. Use expressions you're familiar with. If the presentation is not in your first language, sprinkling in some authentic or professional phrases sparingly. Avoid obscure and advanced vocabulary, except for specific terminology. Remember, a speech is not about recitation; you must understand your topic to speak well about it.

After writing your speech, copy it into the notes section of your PowerPoint slides.


Once the speech is written, go through it on your own. Speak freely, going off-script is fine, and don't just read it verbatim. Try not to constantly look at your slides or script during this process. If you still feel unprepared, go through it a few more times after taking a break.


During the presentation, it's completely fine to read from your script, even from start to finish. The benefit of academic presentations is that almost nobody cares whether you are reading or have memorized it; they are only interested in the content of your presentation.


The most challenging part is the Q&A session. There are two main difficulties: not understanding the questions and not knowing how to answer them.



If you're worried about not understanding the questions, you can have ChatGPT generate some potential questions based on your speech and slides. Pay attention to the wording. However, this ultimately comes down to your English proficiency, so practice your listening skills.

For not knowing how to answer, the questions generated by ChatGPT can be used to practice your responses.