为没有拓扑信息的系统分析氢键 - Analyzing Hydrogen Bonds in Systems without Topological Information
背景介绍 - Background
组里的人要分析一个系统的氢键数量和氢键自相关函数(Hbond autocorrelation function,hbacf)。
A colleague in our group is tasked with analyzing the number of hydrogen bonds and the hydrogen bond autocorrelation function (hbacf) in a system.
To obtain information about hydrogen bonds, if the system is simulated with Gromacs, one can directly use Gromacs for analysis. For other systems, if one is familiar with Python, MDAnalysis can be used for the analysis. However, both tools require the topological information of the system (i.e., the information on bond connections). But our simulations were conducted using cp2k for quantum mechanical calculations, where the concept of "bonds" doesn’t exist, let alone topological information.
VMD can calculate hydrogen bonds without topological information, but it cannot compute the autocorrelation function of hydrogen bonds. Moreover, VMD seems to encounter errors very frequently, rendering it unusable.
Additionally, besides the molecules of interest, there are water molecules in the system whose hydrogen bonds we do not wish to analyze. However, our trajectory files do not differentiate between the various oxygen and hydrogen atoms. This means we must either manually edit the trajectory files or resort to writing our own code.
还有一个小难点:我们的系统不是正交系统(系统晶胞的三个边长的夹角不都是90度),而且我们也没有晶胞(unit cell)在模拟过程中尺寸变化的信息。这无论如何都会影响 对穿过边界的氢键的判断。
Another minor issue is that our system is non-orthogonal (the angles between the sides of the unit cell are not all 90 degrees), and we do not have information on the size changes of the unit cell during the simulation. This will inevitably affect the judgment of hydrogen bonds that cross boundaries.
A quick search revealed that there are no ready-made scripts available online (probably because the requirements are too complex), so we decided to develop our own.
In hindsight, it seems possible to use MDAnalysis.topology.guessers.guess_bonds to guess and generate bond information, and then compute various properties of hydrogen bonds. Non-orthogonal cells can also be addressed with MDAnalysis.transformations.boxdimensions. With manual editing of the trajectory files and generating a topology file, it should work...
But debugging these things might take even longer, and it might not be faster than writing our own code.
1. 读取轨迹,寻找氢键 - Reading the trajectory and identifying hydrogen bonds
First, we read the trajectory. Our trajectory file is in .xyz format, where each frame is structured as follows:
1 | 375 |
Reading this type of trajectory is quite straightforward: a
loop is used, and then based on the length of
the list obtained from its split()
, it is determined
whether to store the line in the current frame or to end the frame and
store it in a list, then start a new frame. Anticipating frequent
calculations on atomic positions in subsequent steps, the atomic
positions are stored in the form of an np.ndarray
, while
the atomic type information is kept in a separate list.
氢键的判断的标准不一,通常来说,如果 氢键受体原子(D)与氢键供体原子(A)之间的距离 小于一个值,且 氢键受体原子-氢原子(H)-氢键供体原子 大于一个角度时,就认为这是一个氢键。有时D-H的距离也会考虑在内。
我采用的标准是 D-A小于3.5A,DHA角不小于150°,且D-H小于1.2A。它不是最合理的判断标准,但应该可以用。
The next step is to determine the hydrogen bonds present in the system. This process has no shortcut and must be done frame by frame, making it the slowest step in the program.
The criteria for identifying hydrogen bonds vary, but generally, if the distance between the hydrogen bond acceptor atom (D) and the hydrogen bond donor atom (A) is less than a certain value, and the angle formed by the hydrogen bond acceptor atom, hydrogen atom (H), and hydrogen bond donor atom is greater than a certain angle, then it is considered a hydrogen bond. Sometimes the distance between D and H is also taken into account.
The criteria I used are: D-A less than 3.5 Å, DHA angle not less than 150°, and D-H less than 1.2 Å. While not the most accurate criteria, they should be functional.
To reduce the number of angle calculations and focus more on distance, I also consider any D-A distance less than 1.8 Å as not a valid hydrogen bond, because the longest chemical bond between D and A is also about 1.7 Å.
因为我们没有每一步的晶胞尺寸数据,所以只能用平均值,导致晶胞参数变动较大的一些帧(如果有的话)处 无法准确判断边界处的氢键。
To find hydrogen bonds, the first step is to calculate the distance between two atoms, requiring some knowledge of calculus and geometry. Given that our system has periodic boundaries and is non-orthogonal, it's necessary to convert the atomic coordinates into coordinates relative to the unit cell, calculate their distance, round it to the nearest minimum value, and then convert back to the standard coordinates.
We lack the cell size data for each step, so we must use an average value. This approach may lead to inaccuracies in determining hydrogen bonds at the boundaries of frames with significant variations in cell parameters, if any exist.
1 | # box size, in Angstrom |
Calculating the angle between three atoms follows a similar process. First, calculate the vector from H to D (the only difference between calculating the vector and the distance is that for the vector, you don't need to take the square root of the sum of the squares of the three differences), and then calculate the vector from H to A. The cosine of the angle between these two vectors is given by a·b/(|a||b|). To save some computational steps, the comparison is made directly using the cosine value instead of converting it to an angle. The code is as follows:
1 | def direction_vector(coord1, coord2): |
To identify all potential hydrogen bond acceptors, donors, and all hydrogen (H) atoms, a triple nested loop is employed to "individually assess" whether each set of three atoms forms a hydrogen bond. The crude code is as follows:
1 | for num_d in indices_da: |
Outside these three nested loops, there is another loop iterating over the frames.
In fact, if the system were orthogonal, a k-d tree could be used to efficiently identify H atoms within a 1.2 Å distance from D, and A atoms within a 3.5 Å distance from D. Although this still involves three nested loops, there is no need to calculate the distances between atoms directly, which significantly speeds up the computations. The code for this approach is as follows:
1 | atom_h = [atom == 'H' for atom in atoms] |
To estimate the duration of the tedious waiting period, I added a small progress bar at the end of the loop over frames:
1 | percent = prec / len(frames) * 100 |
After identifying all the hydrogen bonds, the information is stored
as a binary file using the pickle package, because the hydrogen bond
information is kept in a list of custom classes. It seems feasible to
store the hydrogen bonds as a list of dictionaries and then use
to save them.
With that, the part of reading the structure from the file and identifying hydrogen bonds is completed. The complete code is as follows, which I know the readers (if there are any) have been waiting for.
1 | import numpy as np |
2. 计算氢键数量 - Calculating the Number of Hydrogen Bonds
After obtaining the hydrogen bond data, the next step is to count the number of hydrogen bonds in each frame. This part of the code is quite simple: after reading the data with pickle, a loop is used for the count. The code is as follows:
1 | import numpy as np |
3. 计算氢键自相关函数 - Calculating the Hydrogen Bond ACF
The final step is to calculate the autocorrelation function of the hydrogen bonds. There are typically two types of autocorrelation functions: continuous and intermittent.
A paper discusses the differences between these two types of autocorrelation functions. In essence, the continuous autocorrelation function requires that once a hydrogen bond is formed, it must not break. If it breaks and then reforms, it is considered a new hydrogen bond. On the other hand, the intermittent autocorrelation function does not have this requirement.
First, the intermittent autocorrelation function is calculated by processing the hydrogen bond data with a loop.
1 | # Create a dictionary to store the hydrogen bond information |
To calculate the continuous autocorrelation function, it's necessary to identify the breakpoints in the intermittent autocorrelation function, cut at these points, and then move these segments to the beginning of the sequence. The rest of the data sequence is then padded with zeros to complete the series.
1 | if continuous: |
Then, the autocorrelation function is calculated using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
1 | def autocorrelation_fft(data): |
Finally, average the autocorrelation functions of all the hydrogen bonds and plot the result. The graph of the function is shown below (for the continuous hydrogen bond autocorrelation function).
The code for this part is as follows.
1 | import numpy as np |