知乎的推送质量真不太行 - The quality of Zhihu’s recommendations is really not that good.
I used to be a heavy user of Zhihu, spending an average of over three hours on it every day. But in 2020, I uninstalled the app in a fit of frustration. There were two main reasons for this: first, the increasing amount of anxiety-inducing content on my homepage, and second, my growing intolerance towards the "arrogant elite social Darwinists" among the users.
Anxiety is like spicy peas———tasty, but consuming too much leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, and it ruins your appetite for anything else.
When people experience anxiety, they instinctively look for something to focus that anxiety on, and Zhihu provided me with endless topics to worry about: body image, social status, gender, age, education, and career prospects. I remember back in 2018 and 2019, fields like biochemistry and materials science were considered the ultimate dead-end majors on Zhihu, with the prevailing attitude being that if you didn’t switch to coding, your life was basically over.
Moreover, browsing Zhihu only exacerbated my anxiety. It’s ironic———I used to be quite confident in my academic achievements, but on Zhihu, even being a graduate from a top Chinese university like 985 was considered worthless if you didn’t have scholarships or honors. And let’s not even mention those from Harvard or MIT. For someone like me, an undergraduate student with little resistance to anxiety, this became a vicious cycle———the more I scrolled, the more anxious I became, and the more anxious I was, the more I scrolled.
Anxiety may only harm your health, but the "arrogant elite social Darwinists" are much more corrosive to one’s values. These users might not actually be that elite themselves, but they’re always able to find someone to look down on, crafting long, snarky posts to harvest likes. They position themselves as the elite, embrace social Darwinism as their creed, and arrogance is their biggest flaw. Here are some examples:
In short, I uninstalled Zhihu to avoid being influenced by these people.
The story isn’t over. Lately, I’ve been feeling increasingly uncomfortable with platforms like Twitter, Bilibili, and Reddit. There’s too much mindless anti-national sentiment and explicit content on Twitter—it’s impossible to block it all. Bilibili keeps recommending videos with a propagandistic tone, and the quality content is diminishing. As for Reddit, the atmosphere is getting more hostile; people are ready to argue about anything. I thought maybe I could return to Zhihu, and after blocking several idiots, there might still be something worth reading.
But I was wrong. The same old problems are still there, and the ads have only increased. Just look at this (warning: Extremely long image):
This is the recommended homepage on Zhihu for a new account I created. If you filter out all the novel ads, misogynistic remarks, complaints about gender relations, anxiety-inducing content, bragging and showing off, how-do-you-evaluate responses (where outdated, conservative values are used to sarcastically comment on various social events and pontificate), celebrity gossip, and trivial trending topics, there are barely any posts left that interest me.
I describe it as "pontificating," but I feel like the how-do-you-evaluate responses are actually a selling point for Zhihu. There are always some conservative folks who are displeased with many societal phenomena but lack the confidence to express it themselves. So, they turn to Zhihu to see how other confident conservatives sarcastically critique these issues. Then they realize, "Wow, I'm not the only one who thinks this way," and feel a sense of comfort, as if they've found a few cyber kindred spirits or mouthpieces.
Zhihu is clearly trying to push all kinds of content on me, attempting to guess what this new user might like, and then flooding the homepage with it. But this approach makes me feel strangely insulted. If this is the platform’s attitude, I don’t think their stock price has dropped enough yet.
Btw, the content pushed by other platforms isn't much better than Zhihu's, and some are even worse. If you want to find good content, you'll still need to manually seek out quality creators.
2024/09/16 更新:
2024年,使用“油盐不进”法迎战 知乎首页推荐 的珍贵记录:
看文不?甜的?虐的?还有火葬场 —— 没兴趣
追星不?周杰伦最近可显老了 —— 不然呢,他都45了
我猜你想知道:偷国人知道他们被叫“偷国”吗? ——
我猜你想知道:真正爱读书的人都是怎样读书的? ——
换一个话题,你讨厌盎萨吗?想知道美元是怎么收割南美的吗。 —— 不讨厌
那你是神友吧,我懂你。看点人口吧笑话? —— 也不算
不神不兔,你不会是牢米的粉丝吧? —— 无可奉告
换一个话题,性别男,我猜你讨厌女权。我这儿有很多女拳现世报。 ——
那就是说喜欢看小姐姐喽,来点“熊大是什么体验”? —— 不在你这儿看
你总会有焦虑的事情的,我猜你…性别焦虑?国内男比女多3000万人呢 ——
一般人都有学历焦虑和院校焦虑 —— 我反正挺满意的
年龄焦虑呢,大家中年都失业了? —— 也不焦虑,还没到年龄
看来还是个孩子,喜欢二次元? —— 一般,总之不在你这儿看
不喜欢二次元?我猜你一定讨厌原神 —— xx,启动!
看你id在加拿大,推点移民博主吧,教教你美加澳新的优劣 ——
这两年加拿大经济可不是很好,年轻人都找不着工作了 ——
加拿大有非常多的阿三和黑gui3哦 —— 阿三:加拿大有非常多的老中哦
加拿大人种族主义和排外主义很严重的 —— 比大多数简体中文社交平台轻
再换个话题,你肯定,对找对象焦虑 —— 找好了
那你该对结婚和买房焦虑了,买烂尾房的人日子可不好过啊 ——
—— xx,卸载!