01-13 VS Code、Cursor和WindSurf:三款AI辅助编程工具的对比及打分 - VS Code, Cursor, and WindSurf:A Comparison and Rating of Three AI-Assisted Programming Tools
01-10 两种MOF的潮湿环境下CO2吸附动力学模拟 - Simulation of CO2 Adsorption Dynamics by Two MOFs in a Humid Environment
11-18 推荐一套方便的远程目录提交slurm任务的方法 - Recommend a convenient method for submitting slurm jobs in remote directories
05-05 为MDAnalysis包增加计算间断氢键自相关函数功能 - Add the functionality to calculate intermittent hydrogen bond autocorrelation functions to the MDAnalysis package