10-26 改良主义宣言:防止西朝鲜变成北朝鲜 - Manifesto for Reformism:Preventing "West Korea" from Becoming the "North Korea"
09-25 元键政3:与低水平言论缠斗意义不大 - Meta Political Discussion 3:It's insignificant to engage in a battle of words with low-level arguments
09-23 资料搜寻:韩国财阀干政的程度有多高? - Data Search:To what extent do South Korean chaebols interfere in politics?
09-09 元键政1:所有理性人本质上都是相同的,但有独特的要捍卫的价值观 - Meta Political Discussion 1:All rational people are fundamentally the same, but each has unique values to defend.
09-01 视频推荐:方脸说核污水排放 & 我的一些杂谈 - Video Recommendation:Big Face’s Discusses on Nuclear Wastewater Discharge & My Miscellaneous Talks
06-19 有国才有家?——读bbc关于朝鲜的采访有感 - Only With a Country, Can There be a Home? — Reflections on BBC's Interview About North Korea